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 Temat postu: Singapur - covid
#1 PostWysłany: 22 Gru 2020 19:40 
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Rejestracja: 25 Sie 2015
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Wiadomo jak sytuacja z Singapurem? Otwarci ? Zamknięci?
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Rozpoczęcie wakacji na wyspie słońca ☀️ Loty + 7 noclegów za 1660 PLN 🏝️ Rozpoczęcie wakacji na wyspie słońca ☀️ Loty + 7 noclegów za 1660 PLN 🏝️
Po cichu, ale do przodu. Ryanair jeszcze nigdy nie był tak mocny na największym lotnisku w Polsce Po cichu, ale do przodu. Ryanair jeszcze nigdy nie był tak mocny na największym lotnisku w Polsce
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#2 PostWysłany: 22 Gru 2020 19:51 

Rejestracja: 01 Kwi 2012
Posty: 3665
wiem od mieszkanca, ze sytuacja opanowana. pozytywne case'y to glownie importowane, czyli przyjezdni. ladowa granica zamknieta, jesli nic sie nie zmienilo.
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#3 PostWysłany: 22 Gru 2020 20:10 
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Rejestracja: 11 Kwi 2016
Posty: 4716
Marco Manno napisał(a):
Wiadomo jak sytuacja z Singapurem? Otwarci ? Zamknięci?

Niby czesciowo otwarci, ale tylko dla niektorych krajow i PL tam nie ma.


Btw w listopadzie SQ anulowal mi przeloty do Singapuru i Indonezji.
Kase szybko zwrocili. :)
Poza tym nalezy wypelnic elektroniczna deklaracje zdrowia:

Nie czyń drugiemu co tobie niemiłe, uderzy w ciebie ze zdwojoną silą i nie bądź tchórzem i kłamcą.

Znów prymitywne ataki!

Socotra / Afganistan
Afryka / Goryle
Wyprawa na Biegun lodołamaczem atomowym, Antarktyda, Polska Stacja Arctowski, Arktyka etc.
Fotorelacje na życzenie przez PW
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Marco Manno lubi ten post.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#4 PostWysłany: 23 Gru 2020 00:32 
Król Ż
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Singapur powoli wchodzi w phase 3 ktôra zniesie czesc obostrzen dot podroży. Oby
Tolerancja kończy się tam, gdzie zaczynają się prawa człowieka
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Marco Manno lubi ten post.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#5 PostWysłany: 06 Sty 2021 13:28 

Rejestracja: 01 Cze 2016
Posty: 101
Singapur będzie otwarty dla zaszczepionych (bez testów i kwarantanny)

https://www.reuters.com/article/health- ... SL1N2JF0BQ

https://www.fly4free.pl/singapur-bedzie ... -turystow/
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meczko lubi ten post.
meczko uważa post za pomocny.
 Temat postu: Singapur - covid
#6 PostWysłany: 06 Sty 2021 13:28 
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Jeszcze nie ma nic oficjalnego.
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2 ludzi lubi ten post.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#7 PostWysłany: 08 Sty 2021 02:10 
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Rejestracja: 11 Kwi 2016
Posty: 4716
Singapur bedzie jednym z pierwszych krajow, ktory sie otworzy dla zaszczepionych przeciwko COVID–19 z zolta ksiazeczka lub digitalnym paszportem szczepien.
Wystarczy, ze tylko jeden kraj wprowadzi takie restrekcje, a za nim podaza inne. ;)

Btw rzad Singapuru zamierza zaszczepic 5,7 mln mieszkancow do 3 kwartalu br.
Nie czyń drugiemu co tobie niemiłe, uderzy w ciebie ze zdwojoną silą i nie bądź tchórzem i kłamcą.

Znów prymitywne ataki!

Socotra / Afganistan
Afryka / Goryle
Wyprawa na Biegun lodołamaczem atomowym, Antarktyda, Polska Stacja Arctowski, Arktyka etc.
Fotorelacje na życzenie przez PW

Ostatnio edytowany przez cccc, 08 Sty 2021 18:47, edytowano w sumie 1 raz
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#8 PostWysłany: 08 Sty 2021 14:07 
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Rejestracja: 11 Kwi 2016
Posty: 4716
Wg. pana ministra Lawrence Wonga:

Travellers who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 may avoid having to serve a lengthy stay-home notice (SHN) when they return to Singapore in the future, Education Minister Lawrence Wong has suggested.

Mr Wong, who co-chairs the multi-ministry coronavirus task force, said the Government would consider drastically reducing or even doing away with the two-week quarantine requirement if data shows vaccination significantly reduces transmission risks.

He said this was one of the potential "tangible benefits" for those choosing to be vaccinated, besides protection against the virus.

https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/ ... ke-it-says
Nie czyń drugiemu co tobie niemiłe, uderzy w ciebie ze zdwojoną silą i nie bądź tchórzem i kłamcą.

Znów prymitywne ataki!

Socotra / Afganistan
Afryka / Goryle
Wyprawa na Biegun lodołamaczem atomowym, Antarktyda, Polska Stacja Arctowski, Arktyka etc.
Fotorelacje na życzenie przez PW
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#9 PostWysłany: 16 Sty 2021 19:15 
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Rejestracja: 11 Kwi 2016
Posty: 4716
SINGAPORE: All travellers, including Singaporeans and permanent residents, will need to take a COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test upon arrival in Singapore, announced the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Saturday (Jan 16).

This will take effect from 11.59pm on Jan 24, as part of tighter border measures to manage the risk of imported COVID-19 cases.

https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/si ... h-13974922
Nie czyń drugiemu co tobie niemiłe, uderzy w ciebie ze zdwojoną silą i nie bądź tchórzem i kłamcą.

Znów prymitywne ataki!

Socotra / Afganistan
Afryka / Goryle
Wyprawa na Biegun lodołamaczem atomowym, Antarktyda, Polska Stacja Arctowski, Arktyka etc.
Fotorelacje na życzenie przez PW
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#10 PostWysłany: 14 Mar 2021 08:55 

Rejestracja: 12 Wrz 2012
Posty: 2565
https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/si ... c-14403322

Singapur otworzy się prawdopodobnie pod koniec roku
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#11 PostWysłany: 19 Sie 2021 13:09 

Rejestracja: 12 Wrz 2012
Posty: 2565
:!: Singapur otwiera się od 8 września dla zaszczepionych osób przylatujących z Niemiec oraz Brunei.

Aby móc wlecieć do Singapuru bez obowiązkowej kwarantanny trzeba przebywać w jednym z wyżej wymienionych państw przez minimum 21 dni przed odlotem, trzeba lecieć do Singapuru bezpośrednim lotem i trzeba zrobić trzy testy PCR.

https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapo ... ao-2122796
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Zeus uważa post za pomocny.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#12 PostWysłany: 19 Sie 2021 13:23 
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Rejestracja: 11 Sty 2012
Posty: 4950
Oby, bo na teraz to wyglada tak srednio. Sorry za przydlugi post, ale nie ma linka do tych informacji (wyskakujace okienko) - na razie Niemcy sa wyciete (tymczasowo) nawet z ruchu biznesowego...
"Germany (temporarily suspended)"
O wiele lepiej to wyglada w przypadku tranzytu na Changi.... :-)

Border measures Partially Restrictive

Entry restrictions
All travellers entering Singapore must comply with Singapore’s public health and immigration requirements as specified by the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority on its website at safetravel.ica.gov.sg.
Residents of Singapore
Citizens and permanent residents of Singapore are eligible to enter Singapore. Permanent residents must present a valid re-entry permit during check-in to enter Singapore.
Long-Term Pass / In-Principle Approval Holders
Long-Term Pass and In-Principle Approval (IPA) holders must obtain permission for entry from the relevant agencies before they travel to Singapore.
Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holders, including those with in-principle approval (IPA), must seek approval from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
Student’s Pass (STP) and IPA for STP (issued by ICA): Ministry of Education’s permission must be obtained by submitting the application to the respective educational institutions.
Work Pass holders, including dependents and those with in-principle approval (IPA), must seek approval from the Ministry of Manpower. Passengers entering Singapore with an Approval Letter of Entry (ALE) issued by the Ministry of Manpower must be fully vaccinated with proof of vaccination before arriving in Singapore. Please note that proof of vaccination will only be valid at least 14 days after taking the last required dose. Certain exemptions may apply. For more details on vaccination requirements and criteria for exemption, please click here

Short-term visitors
Short-term visitors are not allowed to enter Singapore unless they hold a valid approval entry pass (SafeTravel Pass or Air Travel Pass) or a valid approval letter of entry from ICA.
These passes are not entry visas. Travellers holding a travel document issued by certain countries or regions will still require a valid visa to enter Singapore. Find out here if you require an entry visa.
Important notice for passengers with recent travel history to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka:
All Long-Term Pass holders, IPA holders, and short-term visitors with travel history to Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka within the last 21 days will not be allowed to enter Singapore. This also applies to those who had obtained prior approval for entry into Singapore.

Safe Travel Lanes
Singapore has safe travel arrangements with selected countries/regions. Eligible short-term visitors can apply to enter Singapore under the following schemes:
Reciprocal Green Lane for Business and Official Travel
Germany (temporarily suspended)
Indonesia (temporarily suspended)
Japan (temporarily suspended)
Mainland China
Malaysia (temporarily suspended)
South Korea (temporarily suspended)

Air Travel Pass for any purpose of travel
Applications must be made seven to 30 days prior to the visitor’s intended date of entry into Singapore.
Mainland China (temporarily suspended for Jiangsu province)
New Zealand
All visitors entering Singapore under the Reciprocal Green Lane and Air Travel Pass arrangements will require travel insurance with a minimum coverage of S$30,000 for their Covid-19-related medical treatment and hospitalisation costs. The travel insurance may be purchased from Singapore-based or overseas insurers. Please click here for a list of available inbound travel insurance products.
Alternatively, visitors travelling from China and New Zealand may also consider purchasing Travel Guard by AIG which provides travellers with comprehensive travel insurance coverage. Please refer to our travel insurance page for more information.

Air Travel Bubble
Hong Kong SAR (deferred)

Singapore Citizen/Permanent Resident Familial Ties Lane
Travellers can apply for a SafeTravel Pass under the Familial Ties Lane if they are an ICA-issued Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) holder or a short-term visitor who is:
An immediate family member or relative of a Singapore citizen or a Singapore permanent resident;
A spouse-to-be of a Singapore citizen or a Singapore permanent resident;
A permanent resident or a LTVP In-Principle Approval holder seeking to complete formalities for long-term immigration facilities; or
A non-resident who has exceptional reasons for seeking entry into Singapore (e.g. death of a family member in Singapore).
Applications must be made at least 4 days prior to the traveller’s intended date of entry into Singapore.

The Connect@singapore initiative is a travel lane that aims to facilitate essential global business exchanges, and allow a limited number of business, official and high economic value travellers from all countries to enter Singapore for short-term stays of up to 14 days.
Do note that the Connect@Singapore Lane is temporarily suspended until further notice. Travellers who have obtained prior approvals with entry dates falling within the suspension period will have their approval letters rescinded and not be allowed to enter Singapore. More information here.
For more information on the respective schemes and how to apply, please refer to the SafeTravel website.
Travellers who do not meet the above requirements but need to visit Singapore due to extenuating circumstances must seek approval from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
If your request to enter Singapore is granted, you will receive an approval letter of entry. This letter must be produced upon check-in at your departure city and to the immigration officer upon your arrival in Singapore.

Compulsory health declaration for all travellers
Regardless of your nationality, you must submit an electronic health declaration within three days before your arrival in Singapore.
If your request to enter Singapore is granted, you will receive an approval letter of entry. This letter must be produced upon check-in during departure and at immigration upon arrival in Singapore.

Pre-departure test requirements
Pre-departure Covid-19 test requirements
Travellers entering or transiting through Singapore, including Singapore citizens and permanent residents, are required to take a pre-departure Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test within 72 hours before the scheduled departure date of their flight. For passengers on a direct flight, the 72 hours will be counted from the scheduled departure date of the flight to Singapore. For those taking a connecting flight to Singapore, the 72 hours will be counted from the scheduled departure date of the flight from the first embarkation point of the traveller’s journey to Singapore. For example, if the passenger’s flight itinerary is Seattle-Los Angeles-Singapore, the Covid-19 PCR test must be taken within 72 hours before the scheduled departure date of the flight from Seattle.
The total transit duration for the trip must not exceed 24 hours. If the total transit duration is more than 24 hours, a pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test must be taken within 72 hours from the last leg (i.e. the flight to Singapore).
Travellers entering Singapore with recent travel history to Indonesia within the last 21 days prior to the date of departure for Singapore will be required to present a valid negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within 48 hours before the date of departure for Singapore.
Please note that self-administered PCR tests will not be accepted for entry or transit through Singapore.
The requirement for the pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test does not apply to:
Children aged 2 years and below (i.e. born in or after 2019);
Travellers who have remained in the following places for the past 21 days: Brunei; Mainland China; Hong Kong SAR, China; Macao SAR, China; New Zealand; and Taiwan, China. They must not have transited through other countries/regions not included in the list before arriving into Singapore.
The pre-departure test requirement will apply in addition to other existing requirements such as having to obtain an Approval Letter of Entry, Stay-Home Notice (SHN) and having to take a Covid-19 test before the end of their SHN.

Covid-19 Test Result Memo
The Covid-19 PCR test must be taken at a recognised or accredited clinic, laboratory or medical facility. For a smoother check-in process, you should check if the clinic is able to provide a test certificate with a corresponding QR code. This QR code should link to your digital pre-departure test certificate. The test certificate must also be in English, and state the following:
a negative test result;
test date;
the name of the traveller as indicated in his/her passport; and
at least one other detail of the traveller such as:
date of birth
passport number
national identity number
If the details are not stated in the passport, you should have the relevant identification document on hand for verification.

Before you fly
For Singapore Permanent Residents, please ensure that you have a valid Re-entry Permit (REP). Check your re-entry permit here.
For Long-Term Pass / In-Principle Approval Holders, please check that you have the following:
Valid Long-Term Pass
Approval Letter of Entry
Negative Pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test result (depending on travel history)
For short-term vistors, please check that you have the following:
Valid SafeTravel Pass, Air Travel Pass or valid Approval Letter for Entry
Valid visa (if required)
Negative Pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test result (depending on travel history)
A return air ticket
TraceTogether Mobile App
Regardless of your nationality, you must submit an electronic health declaration within three days before your arrival in Singapore.
Travellers are strongly encouraged to register and pre-pay for your post-arrival Covid-19 PCR and ART tests (if applicable) prior to departing for Singapore here.

Test & quarantine requirements upon arrival
All travellers are required to comply with the prevailing public health regulations and requirements in Singapore. These may include taking a Covid-19 PCR and ART test upon arrival in Singapore, serving Stay-Home Notice (SHN) and taking another Covid-19 PCR test before the end of the SHN period.

On-arrival Covid-19 tests
All travellers, including Singapore citizens and permanent residents, will need to take a Covid-19 PCR test upon arrival in Singapore. All passengers with travel history to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, the Philippines and Sri Lanka in the past 21 days will also be required to take a Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (ART), in addition to the PCR test. This does not apply to:
- Passengers aged 2 years and below (i.e. born in or after 2019);
- Ship crew;
Stay-Home Notice (SHN)

Travellers with travel history to low risk countries/regions will serve a seven-day SHN at their place of residence. These low risk countries/regions include Jiangsu province (Mainland China), Macao SAR and Hong Kong SAR. The Covid-19 test will be administered before the end of the seven-day SHN.
Those with travel history to Australia and Israel in the last 21 days before their arrival in Singapore, will be subjected to 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities. They may opt to serve the 14-day SHN at their place of residence. More details on the requirements to opt out of the dedicated SHN facilities can be found here for Australia, and here for Israel.
Those who spent the last 21 days in Brunei, Mainland China (excluding Jiangsu province), New Zealand and Taiwan need not serve SHN but will have to undergo a Covid-19 swab test upon arrival.
All other travellers will continue to serve a 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities. They will be tested for Covid-19 at the end of their 14-day SHN.
All travellers serving SHN at dedicated SHN facilities will be required to undergo self-administered Antigen Rapid Tests (ART) on Days 3, 7 and 11 of their SHN. This is in addition to the existing PCR tests conducted upon arrival and on Day 14 of their SHN.
All travellers entering Singapore, will need to wear an electronic monitoring device while serving their Stay-Home Notice outside of government-designated facilities. This includes Singapore Citizens, Singapore Permanent Residents, Long-Term Pass Holders, Work Pass Holders and their dependants. Travellers under the age of 12 will be exempted from wearing the device.
Travellers who are exempted from SHN Requirements
The following group of travellers are exempted from the SHN requirement:
Short-term visitors who enter Singapore with a valid SafeTravel Pass
Short-term visitors who enter Singapore with a valid Air Travel Pass
Singapore residents and Long-Term Pass holders (with Approval Letter of Entry) who spent at least 21 days prior to arriving from Brunei, Mainland China (excluding Jiangsu province), New Zealand and Taiwan.
Singapore residents returning from Brunei and Mainland China via the RGL arrangements

Post-Stay Home Notice (SHN) Covid-19 test
Travellers above the age of 2 must pay for and take a Covid-19 test before the end of their SHN. They will be notified of their scheduled appointment slot via SMS.
Travellers aged 2 years and under are exempted from taking the test unless the test results of their close contacts are found to be positive.
Travellers who had taken a pre-departure Covid-19 PCR test will still be required to serve a 14-day SHN at dedicated SHN facilities and to take a negative Covid-19 test before the end of their SHN.
All travellers are responsible for the cost of the Covid-19 swab test and dedicated SHN facilities.
For more information on SHN requirements and Covid-19 swab test, please refer here.

Additional information
Important links
For further information on the regulatory requirements for your planned destination, please refer to the country’s official government website.
Customers based in Singapore may also find a list of foreign embassies and High Commissions here.
Passengers transiting through Singapore Changi Airport should note that there are regulatory restrictions in place during transit and can read about them here.
Regulatory restrictions may have an impact on the meals served on board, please click here to check your in-flight menu.

Last updated on 17 AUG 2021 02:30 (GMT+8).
navigare necesse est
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3 ludzi uważa post za pomocny.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#13 PostWysłany: 20 Sie 2021 00:05 

Rejestracja: 01 Cze 2016
Posty: 101
NBE322 napisał(a):
:!: Singapur otwiera się od 8 września dla zaszczepionych osób przylatujących z Niemiec oraz Brunei.

Aby móc wlecieć do Singapuru bez obowiązkowej kwarantanny trzeba przebywać w jednym z wyżej wymienionych państw przez minimum 21 dni przed odlotem, trzeba lecieć do Singapuru bezpośrednim lotem i trzeba zrobić trzy testy PCR.

https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapo ... ao-2122796

Z takimi restrykcjami to raczej mało kto tam poleci. Te 4 testy PCR (48h przed wylotem, po przylocie na lotnisku, na 3 oraz 7 dzień) wyjdą drożej niż bilet lotniczy w obie strony, do tego aplikacja TraceTogether i konieczność przebywania 21 dni w Niemczech stawiają Singapur od razu na przegranej pozycji. Sam planowałem tam lecieć pod koniec roku, ale z takimi restrykcjami podziękuje. Już do Tajlandii dużo łatwiej można wlecieć (Phuket, Koh Samui). W całej Azji chyba ciężko im zrozumieć że covid już raczej zostanie z nami na stałe tak jak grypa. Cała EU powinna wprowadzić również podobne zasady dla zaszczepionych podróżnych z Azji (testy przed, po wylądowaniu, w trakcie pobytu, aplikacje itp.)
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#14 PostWysłany: 20 Sie 2021 11:34 
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Rejestracja: 16 Mar 2019
Posty: 124
Jeśli ktoś mimo wszystko się zastanawia i ma niezaszczepione dzieci - nic z tego:
Children under 12, who cannot be vaccinated yet, will not be able to travel under the scheme
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#15 PostWysłany: 05 Wrz 2021 17:07 

Rejestracja: 12 Wrz 2012
Posty: 2565
Właśnie doczytałem i wygląda na to, że z VTL mogą skorzystać tylko osoby zaszczepione w jednym z państw VTL (na tą chwilę: Niemcy, Singapur, Brunei).

Czyli w praktyce chyba nie ma opcji, aby skorzystał z tego ktoś kto nie jest (nie był) rezydentem w DE....

Travellers must have been fully vaccinated in their VTL country/region of departure or Singapore.
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 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#16 PostWysłany: 18 Wrz 2021 01:16 

Rejestracja: 21 Mar 2018
Posty: 1785
Od 22 września Polska dołącza do Niemiec na singapurskiej liście państw z względnie mniejszymi restrykcjami:
https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/ ... -as-poland

Warunki dalej zaporowe dla turystyki - test PCR przed wylotem, drugi po przylocie, potem 7 dni izolacji (może być w warunkach domowych) i trzeci test na jej koniec.
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Zeus uważa post za pomocny.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#17 PostWysłany: 18 Wrz 2021 07:18 
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Rejestracja: 11 Sty 2012
Posty: 4950
No wlasnie, niby dobry news, ale:
1. kilka testow i 7dniowa kwarantanna - to juz lepsze jest Phuket - tez kilka testow, ale bez kwarantanny
2. zobaczymy jak dlugo Polska na tej liscie pozostanie majac na uwadze aktualnie notowane przyrosty (circa 50% tydzien do tygodnia) i nadchodzoca nastepna fale...
Punkt 2 i tak pewnie niewiele zmeni(a) majac na uwadze restrykcje z pkt. 1. Poleci ewentualnie tylko ten kto musi, a nie turysta.
navigare necesse est
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2 ludzi lubi ten post.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#18 PostWysłany: 18 Wrz 2021 11:45 

Rejestracja: 21 Mar 2018
Posty: 1785
Do tego trzeba dodać, że lot z Europy do Singapuru, żeby odwiedzić sam Singapur (bo ościenne kraje dalej zamknięte) to rozrywka raczej dla tych bogatszych lub bardziej zblazowanych, więc nawet jakby te warunki były mniej zaporowe, to nie spodziewałbym się gwałtownego napływu turystów :)

Ale widać ogólny kierunek w stronę otwierania się i to daje pewną nadzieję.
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snooka lubi ten post.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#19 PostWysłany: 18 Wrz 2021 11:47 

Rejestracja: 29 Cze 2015
Posty: 9073
to rozrywka raczej dla tych bogatszych lub bardziej zblazowanych

Dlaczego tak uważasz?
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2 ludzi lubi ten post.
 Temat postu: Re: Singapur - covid
#20 PostWysłany: 18 Wrz 2021 13:19 

Rejestracja: 21 Mar 2018
Posty: 1785
@boots, bo Singapur jest fajny, ale zdecydowanie za mały na cały urlop. Bulenie ok. 2k za lot i spędzanie prawie dnia w podróży, żeby sobie zrobić city breaka to jednak dość dużo :) Singapur jest idealnym miejscem tranzytowym, na 2-3 dni pobytu i ruszenie dalej w trasę, chociażby do Malezji czy Indonezji. Piszę to z perspektywy kogoś, kto tam był chyba z 8 razy i chętnie wraca, ale niespecjalnie sobie wyobrażam zostanie tam na dłużej niż ze 3 dni. Oczywiście jeżeli turystyka to jedyny cel wyjazdu, bo gdybym miał tam coś do roboty poza zwiedzaniem i szwendaniem się po food courtach to inna sprawa.
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